Vitamin C Booster
This first smoothie contains a mega-dose of vitamin C one of the body’s most powerful antioxidants. Whether you are already sick or just trying to prevent it this is a good choice to support your immune system in its job of protecting the body and keeping you healthy. It is primarily made of oranges and carrots. This is important to note because the final result does carry with it a strong taste of carrots. If you are not a huge fan of carrots there may be better choices out there for you.
To make this smoothie just take half of an orange, one apple, two carrots, a cup of water, and a cup of ice and add them all together in a blender. Then let it blend on the blend setting for about one minute or until the consistency is where you would like it to be. It is ready to serve as soon as you are done blending it so pour yourself a cup and enjoy it.
Immune system Booster
This is a great smoothie for people that love the color purple and boosting their immune system. It’s got a mixture of yogurt, fruit, and greens that supercharges your body with vitamins and phytonutrients that are essential for a fully functioning immune system.
It is a little sweeter and thicker than the previous smoothie if you wanted something a little different and without carrots.
To make this smoothie all you will need to do is take 4 cups of greens, half a can of pineapples, a kiwi, an orange, a cup of mixed berries, a cup of Greek yogurt, and a cup of water put them in a blender and blend them for one minute. It is ready to drink right away.
Cold free Booster
If you think that you have a cold or have been suffering from a flare-up in your arthritis this smoothie could make a huge difference.
Making this smoothie is super easy. Just add 10 ounces of Orange Juice,
4 ounces of frozen Greek Yogurt, 1 cup of frozen strawberries, 1 cup of frozen Peaches, a half a cup of frozen Pineapple Chunks, and a Cup of Ice Cubes. Once everything is in the blender put it on crush for a few seconds to break up the frozen stuff then on blend for a minute. Pour the smoothie and it’s ready to drink!
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