Many slouch over their computer; it can quickly become a bad habit. We all know the importance of good posture but often we are in a hurry and don’t do anything to improve our bearing.
However, there are disadvantages of bad posture when working at our PCs such as soreness and discomfort.

Another disadvantage is poor circulation. Crossing your legs can lead to lower back pain and spider veins.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is another disadvantage of poor bearing. As you work on your PC in a bad position, your muscles in your arms, wrists and hands can become tight and lead to numbness, discomfort or tingling. Bad position can lead to a host of problems; mainly on your back and legs.

Another disadvantage of poor bearing is poor digestion. As you slouch over at your PC, your body has a harder time to digest food and that can lead to constipation.
Most importantly, uncross your legs and keep your feet firmly on the floor. Another tip is to roll your shoulders back. Slouching puts a lot of stress on your neck muscles. Over a long period of time it can cause other problems such as additional pain on your neck and back.
Engaging in desk exercises may also help, as well as standing up at your desk. If you can afford it, try switching to a standing desk. Some are affordable and they make it easier on your neck and back.
I still have not received my foot stimulator.
still never got my knee brace.
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